Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is Pro-Life Investing?

Pro-Life Investing is a movement of Pro-Lifers who seek to align our investment portfolios with our deeply held passion for the value of human life, particularly the unborn.

Through a Moral Audit, we learn if any of the companies inside our investment portfolios are supporting or profiting from the abortion industry. Then, as needed, we take steps to rid our portfolios of such companies… and keep them out for good.

Can Pro-Life Investing help me with my investments?

Absolutely! The first step is to schedule a free Impact Report so our team can scan your current portfolio for abortion-supporting companies.

How is Pro-Life Investing different than a company like Fidelity, Vanguard, Wells Fargo, etc?

Pro-Life Investing is not a financial services company. However, to further our mission, we connect Pro-Life Investors with financial services as needed to support this movement. Advisory Services are offered through Creative Financial Designs, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser, and Securities are offered through cfd Investments, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer.

How will Pro-Life Investing advance the Pro-Life Movement?

It’s no secret that organizations like Planned Parenthood rely heavily on support from Corporate America. However, many Pro-Lifers have no idea that, by owning abortion-supportive companies in our investment portfolios, we are contributing to this problem! As increasing amounts of Pro-Lifers embrace Pro-Life Investing, corporations are forced to choose between supporting abortion and retaining investors, increasing the likelihood of organizations like Planned Parenthood receiving reduced funding.

Why haven’t I heard of Pro-Life Investing until now?

Pro-Life Investing is one branch of a larger movement called Biblically Responsible Investing. Amidst the explosion of fund choices available through Wall Street, abortion-supporting companies have previously been able to hide behind the shell of mutual fund and ETF ticker symbols. However, thanks to data-screening innovation and increased public awareness, investors like you now have the data… and the power to hold abortion-supporting companies accountable.

What information do you need from me in order to conduct my Moral Audit?

Upon getting your free Impact Report, you will receive an invitation to share your investment account statements (e.g., 401Ks, IRAs, Brokerage Accounts, Employee Stock Plans, etc.). Our team will use these statements to give you a clear picture of your portfolio’s exposure to abortion-supporting companies.

What are the risks & costs involved with Pro-Life Investing?

Any investment carries risk, and this is true for Pro-Life Investing as well. When compared with unscreened investments, Pro-Life Investing portfolios have not shown a statistically significant difference in risk or returns. Research from Biola University and Brightlight would seem to support this position.

Here at Pro-Life Investing, our Advisory Services are offered through Creative Financial Designs, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser, and Securities are offered through cfd Investments, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer. Through these, our operations are accountable to regulatory bodies such as FINRA & SEC.

Each Impact Report is provided free of charge and investment costs vary based on investments and services provided.

Who is Matthew J. Holt?

As a passionate Pro-Lifer and Investment Advisor, it was only a matter of time before these passions collided. Read Matthew’s full story and learn more about his credentials here.

How can I spread the word?

Great question! The most powerful story you can share is your story. Share the story of how you discovered Pro-Life Investing with your friends. When they want to learn more, you can tell them to visit to schedule their free Impact Report.

Still have more questions?

Send us a note and our team will be in touch within one business day.